Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Angry driver shamed by TV Presenter and cyclist, Jeremy Vine

Popular TV Presenter and avid cyclist, Jeremy Vine recently posted a video on social media showing an alleged road rage incident that he was involved in. Jeremy Vine often records his cycling commute to work on a helmet camera and this particular footage shows a driver tail-gating the cyclist before verbally abusing him.


In the footage, Vine can be seen cycling in the middle of a narrow road to ensure he is leaving enough space for car doors to be opened to prevent a potentially serious accident as suggested in the Highway Code. He slowly comes to a stop as he realises he is being tail gated by a vehicle behind. The driver of the vehicle gets out of the car and can be heard using abusive language and later even threatens to ‘knock him out’, the driver also makes her hand into a gun which she pretends to fire at him.

Although no-one was injured in this video, it is a harsh reminder that both cyclists and drivers need to take extra care. Cyclist casualties have risen in recent years due to the increase in people choosing to use cycling as their main form of transport.

To help ensure that this doesn’t happen to you, we’ve compiled an easy to digest safety checklist below:

  1. Clothing: Ensure that your clothing fits the current regulations as suggested in the Highway Code rules for Cyclists including a helmet, fluorescent clothing and reflective accessories.
  2. Night time cycling: When cycling at night you must have a white front light and red rear light as well as amber pedal reflectors.
  3. Cycle Lanes: Stick to the cycle lanes when you can.
  4. Traffic Signals: As a cyclist you are essentially controlling a vehicle and you must obey all traffic light signals and signs.
  5. Road Junctions: It is essential to watch out for vehicles when approaching a junction and before you turn right or left.

For more information about the Rules for Cyclists, visit the Gov.uk website where you can read all of the rules in full detail.