Sunday, 16 September 2018

Autumn Cycling Tips

With the weather set to get much chillier and the nights slowly starting to draw in, it’s important to make sure that you’re prepared for anything when cycling to work or heading out on a local cycle trail.

You can get ready for autumn cycling with these helpful tips:

  1. Get your bicycle serviced: A great place to start is to get your bicycle serviced; this will ensure that everything is how it should be before the dreaded winter sets in for good. Our team at the Bicycle Hub can help, call 01242 231690 to get all booked in.
  2. Bring out the high-viz: With the evenings slowly getting darker, it’s essential to bring out the high-viz from its summer hiding place and pop it on to increase visibility to other road users. Even if you’re not commuting but will be heading out on the local cycle trails, it’s always best to pop one in your bag for when visibility deteriorates.
  3. Put your guards on: With the rain most certain to make an appearance, it’s best to pop on your mud guards to stop you getting a soggy bum for when it does!
  4. Lights at the ready: It’s time to dig out those lights and give them a full charge to make sure they’re working properly before sticking them on your bike.
  5. Be prepared: It always pays off to be extra prepared but sometimes the weather has other plans. Always keep a spare set of dry clothes in your bag plus the usual toiletries just in case you need to freshen up.

What’s your top tip for cycling in the Autumn?  Let us know on social media!