Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Basic Bike Maintenance

Being a cyclist, it’s important to ensure that your bike is safe to use and in a good condition so that you can keep enjoying it!  Looking after your bike will not only improve your riding experience but it will prolong your bike’s lifespan ultimately saving you money!

So, how do you keep your bike spick and span? We decided to create a guide on basic bike maintenance to ensure that your bike is looked after, reducing your chances of a costly repair job. Now many of these routine tasks can be done at home, all they require is a few tools and a tad of patience...

Checking your tyres

Check your tyres daily or upon every use of your bike for any punctures or obstructions in your wheels. Carefully run your fingers around the tyres to check for any sharp objects, if you do find any remove the object and repair the puncture with a puncture repair kit. Remember to also check the tyre pressure and to apply more if needed making sure that your wheels are properly fastened and in line with the frame.

Checking your brakes

Checking your brakes is a very important job! It is essential to check your brake blocks for wear at least once every week. Ensure that the blocks are in square contact with the rim and that they are not in contact with the actual tyre. Replace any worn or fraying brake cables and adjust the brakes so that the levers do not come into contact with the handle bars when pressure is applied on the levers to actually brake. If you need help with replacing brake cables, pop in and see us!

Checking your gears

Gears checks are important to ensure that they are working properly. Make sure the cables are able to move freely with no obstructions. Ensure that your bike chain is clean, by wiping it with a rag, followed by applying more oil for maximum flexibility. If you have any significant problems with your gears, we suggest that you have them looked at properly and repaired.

Checking your steering

The steering on your bike should be nice and smooth. You can check the safety of your steering by checking for looseness in the handlebar and stem, if it is too loose then tighten it where necessary.

Checking your pedals

The pedals on your bike are important, especially if you have specialised pedals to fit your cycling shoes. Check that your pedals are safe by spinning them, they should spin freely but if they don’t you can loosen or tighten the axles accordingly.

Checking your frame

Last, but definitely not least on your basic bicycle maintenance list is checking the actual bike frame. Inspect it closely for any damage, essentially as all of the other components of the bike are hanging on to the frame. If there is any visible damage, it is probably best to get it looked at professionally, we’re afraid that duct tape won’t do if there is something wrong with the frame. If your frame has no visible implications, ensure that the seat height is correct for you and that the seat post is bolt upright, after these final checks you’re good to go!

For more information on how to look after your bicycle, pop down to the station, give us a call on 01242 231690 or visit our website.