Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Bike stolen every 90 seconds!

According to crime data over 376,000 bicycles are stolen each year, which is roughly one every 90 seconds. Thank goodness for insurance hey! Think again fellow cyclers...

Cycleplan MD John Woosey quotes “More than half of all cycle thefts in the UK occur in and around the victim’s home, most notably from gardens, passage ways between houses and out buildings such as sheds and garages. Despite this, only 5% of home contents policies cover cycles outside of the home as standard.”

With this in mind The Bicycle Hub wants to keep your treasured bicycle safe and ready for your saddle up on your adventures! Here are some tips and tricks:

  1. Cheap locks are a NO NO! Don't be a victim to the local scavenger who can pick and pull and pull until the lock breaks. Be sure to invest in a sturdy bicycle lock.

  2. Check your lock grading: The Master of Locksmiths Association rate locks from Bronze, Silver and Gold. A Gold standard lock with a proper key from the likes of Abus, Squire, Kryptonite or Trelock, will be fairly pick-proof and drill-proof.

  3. Use a thick chain that weaved through both wheels and the bike frame: An opportunist is under time constraints and although they have the equipment to cut through thick chains they want a quick snatch and run, rather than entering into the equivalent of a crystal maze task!
  4. Don't let the opportunist milk the situation: How many times have you stopped at the shop to grab some milk and thought i will be just 10 seconds, the bike will be fine? The key is to always use it even if you turn your back on your bike even for a few seconds, chain it up! 
  5. Popped tyres is a thief tactic: Nine times out of ten, if you find your tyres popped or let down at a bike rack, this would of been purposefully done by a thief in the hopes you’ll leave the bike there until the next day. Don't fall for this tactic; it will be gone by morning! Take your bicycle home!

  6. Use a secure lock up: The Bicycle Hub offers the residence of Cheltenham and also passing through visitors the opportunity to securely lock up their bikes. Each bike owner is issued with their unique code which allows them to a container and one container only for security! Think Big Yellow Storage but for bikes! Every lock up is equipped with bronze standard locks and is manned from Monday to Friday 10am - 5pm each day. The Bicycle Hub is conveniently located at Cheltenham Spa Railway Station. For more information about the bicycle lockers, please call 01242 250 642.

It is important to check your insurance, does it cover theft of your bike outside the home? If not look for a specific bike insurance add on or a separate policy.