Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Bike to School Week 2021

Next week (27th September to 1st October) is Bike to School Week. The aim being to encourage children and families to cycle to school. It's a great way to celebrate the huge benefits an active school run brings and a fantastic reminder that we should all be encouraging the next generation of budding cyclists to get out and about! 

How can you get involved?
Bike to School - Even if it is a short trip to school why not challenge your family to bike to school? Biking has got many benefits, including health benefits, helps reduce congestion and pollution and is great for spending time together as a family. Five days is a great start and it’s not a scary or hard target, so why not set it as a family goal? If you’re still in work, you can have a Bike to Work week too!

Tell your Others - Telling your friends and family can encourage others to join in. Cycler to school with other families and challenge each other. What about adding a bit of competition (if it is safe to do so) or how about adding together everyone’s miles and see which family wins?

Are your local schools taking part? – See if your local school or your own children’s school are taking part? Remind them that this scheme is happening. Lots of schools have been planning activities for weeks, but there is still time to encourage a few more people to get on their bike!

Get your bikes prepped for winter – although it’s not strictly cycling, the hope is that your kids will love cycling to school and will want to keep doing it! Why not make the most of their enthusiasm and get the bike prepped for those darker mornings and afternoons with lights, reflectors, a safety check and a safety gear!

To celebrate Bike to School Week come down to The Bicycle Hub between Monday 27th September to Saturday 2nd October for a free bike safety check on adult and children’s bikes. Our workshop team will give your bike a quick 10 minute once over to see if any repairs are needed and give advice on how to fix it.