Thursday, 21 December 2017

Bums, Bikes and Blizzards

With the winter chill in full swing with sleet, ice and the odd snow blizzard being thrown at us at any moment, we thought it would be important to equip you with The Bicycle Hub Winter Survival Guide. Don't be caught off guard in this wonderfully ever changing British weather!

Our guide is here to keep your bum on your bike even through an unexpected blizzard... as the boy scouts would say always ‘Be Prepared’.

 1. Warm Clothing

In the summer, it’s easy right? Chuck on some shorts and t-shirts as you cruise the routes! As tempting as it is to don a few of your favourite thick hoodie and waterproofs when the winter sets in, this is not being prepared! We highly recommend investing in specialist riding thermals to keep your bum on your seat and not in bed with the chills.

Non-specialist clothing, will not keep you from the cold. As you ride, you naturally sweat and this accumulates, you become clammy, cold and naturally you lose heat.

With specialist thermal gear, you will stay dry and warm and for a small investment, your health stays in tact.

Warm Clothing Must Haves: Waterproof jacket, thermal leggings, thermal undervest, windproof Gilet, overshoes, thermal gloves, clear glasses

Warm Clothing Nice to haves: Thermal socks, Under-helmet headband and scarf

2. Good ol' Puncture Kit

The rain and frost are the perfect conditions for a puncture! Thorns, glass and stones rupture the tyres far more easily in these conditions.

With the frost biting or the rain lashing down with a puncture can be a pain! A snazzy time saving alternative to the clunky arm aching hand held manually pumped repair, is the lightweight and pocket sized C02 inflators which are used with Co2 canisters. These gadgets are attached to the inner tube valve, then the gas is released, inflating the tyre to 120 psi in seconds!

Good to know: Always check you have enough gas before setting off as generally they deplete after 1-2 uses.

Read the safety instructions carefully before use, as you don’t want your fingers sticking to the canister. When the gas is released, the canister hits freezing point!

Brands to consider:

Fabric C02/Level Kit – £20 - £25

Leyzyne Trigger Drive - £12 - £15

Jet-Flate as sold by bicycle-hub RRP - £10

3. Treat yourself to a bike health and safety check

As you'll already know, bikes need some professional attention every so often. When riding in bad conditions, you want to know your bike is in tiptop shape. The confident and experienced rider will of course be able to spot general wear and tear that need fixed or replaced. However a trained bike specialist can spot and stop a little bike niggle, turning into a fail...

  • Your handle bars
  • Wheels, tyres, and hubs
  • The gears, chain, and bottom bracket
  • Breaks
  • Saddle

What happens? One of our professional bike mechanics will conduct a 15 - 20 point check, testing each component of your bike to ensure it's in tip-top condition.

The in-depth service will highlight any repairs or advisories and give you piece of mind in all riding conditions. On average a check would cost around £35 + parts if required.

The Bicycle Hub is conveniently located at Cheltenham Railway Station, so you stop by and drop it off while you go about your daily routine. Call one of our team on 01242 231690.