Monday, 26 September 2016

Canada to open 22,000km car free bike path in 2017

Canada is due to open a 22,000 km car free bike ‘highway’ in 2017. The cycle trail is estimated to be 12,905 miles long and will be the world’s single longest network of recreational trails.

Construction of this gigantic trail began in 1992 and so far, 87% of the trail has been completed linking the majority of Canadian cities. Work is scheduled to be completed in 2017 to coincide with the 150th anniversary of Canada.

Technically, this isn’t a traditional cycle path. It has been exclusively designated for recreational use meaning that bikers, walkers, hikers, horse riders and even skiers are welcome to use this literal cross country trail.

Here at The Bicycle Hub, we love the idea of having a car-free highway and really want to check out this Canadian trail; might have to do it in stages though as it’s so long!

For more information about this epic cycle trail, take a look at the article in the Canadian Cycling Magazine.