Thursday, 31 May 2018

Cycle to Work Day 2018 – Save the Date!

Get your bicycles and helmets at the ready because Cycle to Work Day 2018 has been announced!

Cycle to Work Day is a fantastic celebration of everyday cycling and the day helps to shout about employees who pedal to work daily whilst encouraging those who don’t to give it a try.

Here at the Bicycle Hub, we love Cycle to Work Day and celebrate it every year. Cycling to work is packed full of benefits and many employees who cycle to work are generally happier, healthier and greener.

Cycle to Work Day is an event that everyone can get involved in whether you’re a large or small organisation and is a great way to introduce cycling to your team. Whether you’ve got your own bicycle or need to hire one, pull together a team and get on your bike for Cycle to Work Day 2018.

Don’t forget to Save the Date: Wednesday 15th August 2018.