Monday, 15 May 2017

Cycling and the Law: What you need to know

Although not all motorist laws apply to cyclists, there are some laws that apply to only cyclists. The Highway Code is a combination of road traffic laws and suggested codes of conduct for all road users. It is important to know and follow the code to ensure you are cycling safely and cautiously.

Check out our top five cycling laws you should know about below:

  1. BRAKE! Your bike doesn’t need an MOT as such but under the Pedal Cycles Regulations 1983 you absolutely must have working brakes! (We think that this is a good rule actually!)
  2. Night Pedals: With the wrong pedals it could be illegal to cycle at night. To cycle between dusk and dawn you must have a red rear reflector and amber pedal reflectors.
  3. Footpath Myths: Although the Highway Code Rule 64 says “You MUST NOT cycle on a pavement” you can actually cycle on a footpath.
  4. Speed: Speed limits are designed for motor vehicles and bicycles are not included. While cyclists can’t be charged for speeding they can be charged for careless cycling.
  5. Side by side: Although it is not advised, you can cycle side by side on a road. As two cyclists take up less room that a car, it shouldn’t affect a car if it overtakes in accordance with the Highway Code.