Monday, 21 September 2015

Cycling in the Rain: Top Tips

With autumn slowly creeping in, it’s time to start preparing your bicycle and of course yourself, for the wet weather ahead! Some cyclists enjoy cycling in the rain; others hate it, so here at The Bicycle Hub, we thought it would be beneficial to share with you some handy tips on how to survive your cycling commute whilst it’s raining whether you enjoy it or not:

Invest in a rain coat...

Purchasing a good rain coat will ensure that your body can stay dry and warm whilst cycling in the rain. You can always go for the full look by purchasing some useful waterproof trousers too, to remain dry all over throughout your cycling commute.

Put up your (mud) guard...

Purchase some good mud guards. It will keep some or all of that muddy water at bay and stop un-necessary splashes up your back, legs and feet from the tyre, ensuring a clean journey to and from work or wherever else you may be going.

Avoid those puddles...

Be sure to safely weave around puddles; anything could be lurking underneath it that could potentially damage your bike - it may also be deeper than you think! If you are approaching a puddle, look behind your shoulder to check that it is safe to dodge it! If going through a puddle is unavoidable, slow right down as this will help reduce impact damage if there is a pothole underneath and will also reduce spray from the puddle too!

Grab a plastic bag or two...

If you’ve got a few plastic bags around your home, be sure to use them when cycling! Grab a few on those rainy cycling days to pop on your saddle, keeping it dry or pop one on each of your feet to stop the rain leaking into your shoes! You can always invest in a saddle cover if you would prefer!

Be seen...

The rain decreases visibility for road users, including cars and other bicycles. Ensure that you are seen by wearing a high-vis jacket, rucksack cover or reflectors, and by using a bicycle light and most of all, take extra care.


Not only are lights a great way of being seen as the nights start to draw in and things get a little darker, they are actually a legal requirement when riding a bike. It is a good idea to have a front light to make you visible to oncoming traffic and to light your way, plus at least one rear light to highlight you to other users.

Wear light coloured clothes…

Although light clothes will show up the splashes a bit more, it is worth riding in light coloured clothes as they are much easier for road users to see. Even with lights, sadly not everyone will notice you, so the more visible you are, the safer you will be. Light clothing helps increase visibility, so just take a change of clothes to make sure you’re bright and noticeable!