Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Cycling Tips for Hot Weather

Ok, so we know that in the UK a hot day can be few and far between however cycling in the heat can be uncomfortable and quite draining. Therefore we’ve compiled some top tips to help keep you cool on those hot cycle days. Whether you commute or whether you ride for leisure, when those sweltering days do (finally) arrive you’ll be prepared...

  1. Suncream: When planning a day at the beach suncream is obviously top of the list, but what about those family cycling trips in the sunshine? Suncream is essential to protecting your skin and should be must for any hot day especially if you’re outdoors. TOP TIP: Make sure you apply the suncream on the backs of your legs. The sun reflecting from the ground can burn your calves and behind your knees...Ouch!
  2. Take it steady: The faster you ride the harder you work and in the heat, this is going to take its toll on your body. If you’re cycling to work, leave a couple of minutes earlier to allow yourself to cycle at a steady pace.
  3. Wear lightweight clothes: Now obviously in the summer, you are not going to be wearing big fluffy jumpers; however it will be essential for those hot summer days to wear light clothes when cycling. Especially if you’re a keen cyclist, investing in technical clothing with mesh panels and breathable material is a must!
  4. Sunglasses: Riding in the sunshine can be tiring and potentially harmful to your eyes so it is important to remember your sunglasses. At least then you’ll be able to see where you’re going!
  5. Water: The most important item to take along during hot weather cycle rides is of course water. Be sure to pack a bottle or two into your backpack for those warmer days. It’s also a good idea to plan your route to pinpoint where the nearest sources for water are...or indeed the pub!

Hot weather