Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Electric Bike Power!

We recently had a gentlemen visit the unit, whose story we thought would be nice to share with our fellow cyclists.

This particular gentleman loved cycling, but after he had a hip replacement he could no longer ride a regular push bike as it was uncomfortable. He popped into the unit in the hope that we would have something to get him back in the saddle!

The gentleman tried one of the electric bikes we have and it was love at first sight... or should we say love at first bike?!

Electric bikes are a great way of getting back in the saddle, without putting undue pressure on your body! They’re great for getting back in shape, exercising sore joints and help this low-impact sport become even more low-impact! Bonus!

For more information on what services we provide, please drop us a line or call us on 01242 250642