Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Essential Cycling Gear for Commuters

For all of those cycling commuters out there, it is essential to ensure that you have the correct gear. We’ve compiled a list of our top five essential items for cycling commuters:

A Helmet – Of course, this one goes without saying. It’s your most essential cycling item (apart from the bicycle!) whether you are commuting or enjoying a leisurely ride. Now, we know that it’s your choice whether you want to wear a helmet or not but we certainly recommend getting one!


Lights – Lights are a great way to be seen by other road users including cars, buses and pedestrians and will therefore make your commute safer by being seen. They’re also a legal requirement, so they’re actually mandatory!

Jacket – Having a warm jacket with reflective technology is great for commuters; not only will it help you be seen but it will also keep your body temperature regulated ensuring a comfortable ride in any weather!

Storage – Investing in a good storage compartment to go on your bike is also handy. A reasonable sized storage bag or panniers on the back or sides of your bike can be great to store your work, lunch and maybe even a change of clothes.

Maybe a change of shoes – Especially the ladies; if you are planning on cycling to work every day, it’s probably a sensible idea to purchase a pair of shoes that you are going to use for cycling only and once you’ve purchased your handy storage compartment for your bike you’ll have somewhere to put them during the day!

Good quality lock – Purchasing a good quality lock will deter potential thieves. All locks have the possibility to protect all part of your bike including the wheels. It will also give you peace of mind, knowing that your bike is safe and sound!


Puncture-proof tyres – For the obvious reason that you don’t get a puncture! On a more serious note, purchasing some puncture proof tyres will help protect your bike from those unavoidable pot holes and potential puncture threats including glass and nails.

At The Bicycle Hub, you will be able to find most of the items, so if you need a new set of lights or even a new bike, come and pay us a visit. We’d love to hear what you essential gear is for your cycling commute? Share your gear with us by email