Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Get into gear with our top cycling tips

Whether you want to start cycling for fun, to get fit, to save some money or save the environment, you’ve made an excellent decision that will open you up to exhilarating experiences.

Cycling is super simple and can be enjoyed by absolutely anyone; we think that maybe that’s why it’s the second most popular sporting activity in the UK.

Here at the Bicycle Hub we love getting people involved in cycling and helping to make them feel confident on their bikes. That’s why we’ve pulled together some handy tips to help get you into gear this year in time for the Tour of Britain which is coming to Cheltenham in September:

  1. Get fitted with the right bike

People cycle for a whole ton of reasons and there is a raft of different types of bikes available in order to suit everybody’s cycling needs. It’s really important to understand what the main purpose of your bike will be before making the choice to purchase a new one.

  1. Staying safe

In the UK, cycling is a relatively safe outdoor activity. BUT... unfortunately cycling casualties have been steadily increasing over the years due to the growing number of cyclists that there are in the UK. It is always important to make sure you have the right safety gear when cycling including a helmet, quality bicycle lights, high visibility jacket and reflectors and a high quality lock.

  1. Refresh your skills

If you are getting back into the saddle after a while, it is important to refresh on your skills. Do some online research and make sure no rules have changed whilst you’ve been out of action. It is also worth checking your local cycling routes and cycleways to ensure no changes have been made.

  1. Plan your route

You would always plan your route if you were travelling by car, so why not do the same before a cycling trip? Before heading out on your cycling adventure, be sure to plan your route and check for any disruptions or changes. It is also worth looking at where the nearest shops and local amenities are should you need to make a pit stop!

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