Friday, 30 October 2015

Guide to cycling on the road

If cycling, especially on the road is part of your daily routine, it is essential to use the Highway Code to ensure that you and other road users stay safe. Although, cycling is a statistically safe form of transport it is important to ensure that you are assertive in your actions, particularly when cycling on the road.

The Bicycle Hub has compiled a list of top five tips to help you when cycling on the road:

1. Learn the essential skills: You may remember taking your cycling proficiency test at school but now there is National Standards training programme for all ages that help you to learn basic bike control and more.

2. Positioning: Be sure to use effective positioning so other road users can see you. It is important for you to always be at least 50cm away from the curb and in some cases further.

3. Signal and eye contact: By signalling, you are of course letting other road users know where you are headed. Check over your shoulder that it is safe to change positions smoothly. Making eye contact with the drivers is also a great opportunity to ensure that they have clocked you and noted your manoeuvre.

4. Traffic Lights: When cycling on the road you shouldn’t jump any red traffic lights. Not only does this annoy other road users but it is illegal and could be very dangerous for you if another car is coming the other way.

5. Filtering: Learning how to filter and overtake is great to ensure you are visible. Only filter up the outside of the lane if the traffic is stationary, keep an eye out for doors opening and pedestrians and be safe.