Wednesday, 23 September 2020

It’s Bike to School week next week

Next week is Bike to School Week and it’s a great reminder that we should all be encouraging the next generation of budding cyclists to get out and about! We all know that cycling can have a positive impact on health and wellbeing, is great exercise and helps provide plenty of fresh air, but do your sons and daughters know that and what about their friends?

Running from the 28 September to the 2 October, here’s how you can get involved:

  • Bike to School – why not challenge your family to get on their bikes for the short trip to school. As well as your own health benefits, it is great for reducing congestion and pollution and it’s important to create good habits. Five days is a great start and it’s not a scary or hard target, so why not set it as a family goal? If you’re still in work, you can have a Bike to Work week too!
  • Make sure the school is involved – remind them that it is happening and ask them to pop an update on their website. Many schools have been planning activities for weeks, but there is still time to encourage a few more people to get on their bike!
  • Tell other people – encourage other people to join in. What about friends, family members or the local community? Is there anyone else you can challenge? What about adding a bit of competition (if it is safe to do so) or how about adding together everyone’s miles?
  • Research cycling proficiency courses - safety should come first, so why not use Bike to School week as the perfect excuse to brush up on your skills? While you might not get on a course next week, booking you and the kids onto one is a great way to proactively plan your safety!
  • Get your bikes prepped for winter – although it’s not strictly cycling, the hope is that your kids will LOVE cycling to school and will want to keep doing it! Why not make the most of their enthusiasm and get the bike prepped for those darker mornings and afternoons with lights, reflectors, a safety check and a safety gear!

What are you planning? Tell us how many miles you’ll be covering together by bike. We’d love to hear about it!