Monday, 20 April 2015

London to prepare for Bike Superhighway

Earlier this year; London Mayor, Boris Johnson approved the longest segregated bike lane in London, which is also set to be the longest in Europe. The segregated bike lanes are designed to give motorists and bikers more space and offer a safer alternative to auto-dominated roads after many cyclist casualties along London’s roads.

With over 170,000 bike journeys made across London every day, the project will help make it much safer and will transform cycling in London. The bike lane is due to extend across the east of London to the west and is expected to cost upwards of £900 million over the next 10 years. It will stretch approximately 18 miles through the centre of London; although other segregated bike paths have been built around London the new route is set to be the longest through an urban environment.

The new route is the next step towards unclogging London’s transport systems after the congestion charge was introduced 12 years ago; with the new aim to get more people using bikes rather than relying on buses and train services reducing pollution and improve the lives of those living in the city.

The £900 billion proposal is due to start construction in April 2015 and is set to be up and running by spring 2016.

Johannesburg in South Africa is also becoming more of a serious cycling city. The city has recently introduced more cycle lanes to make it more bike friendly in the hope that it could become a more popular way of commuting.

If you are interested in becoming more cycle savvy, come and visit us near the Cheltenham Spa train station. We can help service your bicycle to ensure it meets appropriate safety requirements, advise on what bike is best for you to hire and even advise you on what fab routes you could cycle in the Cotswolds!