Thursday, 20 February 2020

Money pledged for UK Cycling and Walking Routes

The Government revealed earlier this week that £1 billion has been earmarked for safe cycling and walking routes to be developed in the UK over the next five years.

Although Boris Johnson originally announced that only £350m was to be pledged, architects still don't believe that the £1 billion will be enough to build the 1,800 of safe paths in Manchester.

During the announcement earlier this week, the Prime Minister announced that a £5 billion fund will be to overhaul bus and cycle links for every region outside of London, with results of cyclists being able to enjoy hundreds of miles of brand-new separate lines. Unfortunately, the Prime Minister got his figures wrong and only £1bn out of the five will be used for walking and cycling in addition to the £350m pledged in the Conservative election manifesto.

What are your thoughts on this new pledge? Will you take advantage of cycle routes more often if they were safer and more accessible? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter.