Friday, 28 August 2015

Prepare for Cycle to Work Day!

With Cycle to Work Day just around the corner it is essential to ensure that your bike is safe to use and road worthy. So, in preparation for Cycle to Work Day, we are inviting all cyclists to come in and get their bike serviced with us here at The Bicycle Hub.

The Bicycle Hub customer, Rebecca Browning cycles to work on a daily basis and visits the station regularly to service her bicycle. We asked Becky why cycling to work was important to her. Becky said “I feel that it’s important to cycle to work because it’s better for the environment and cheaper than driving or getting the bus! I also find that it helps to get my body and mind ready for the day ahead, as I arrive to work more awake and prepared to start working.”

She also added “As I work in an office, cycling is a great way to ensure that I’m exercising on a daily basis and the other perks of cycling into work mean I don’t require a parking space and the rush hour is non-existent!”

We also asked Becky what her thoughts were on ensuring that her bicycle is serviced regularly. “The better condition your bike is in, the better your commute is going to be. It is much more cost effective to have a bike regularly serviced rather than waiting for something to go wrong and requiring repair immediately.”

Becky also said “A regular service can spot bike parts that are beginning to degrade and need replacing before it’s too late.”

So, if you are thinking about participating in Cycle to Work Day after finding your bicycle tucked away in the shed, be sure to bring it on down to the station, where we can check that it’s safe to use before you embark on your work commute.

For more information and to enter competitions for Cycle to Work Day, please visit their website here.

We look forward to seeing you and your bike!