Monday, 5 October 2015

Prepare for Winter

Winter is just around the corner and with the cold weather and dark nights setting in, have you ensured that your bike is ready?

Ensuring that your bike is ready for winter will not only make sure that you are safe but it could also save you money in the long run. So what do you need to do to ensure that your bike is safe for winter?

Winter cycling

First, book it in for a service. A good service will confirm whether any work is required and whether your bike is road worthy before the winter months set in. The better condition your bicycle is in the better your journey is going to be. This will also make sure all your brakes are working properly, keeping you safe in wet and icy conditions!

Second, invest in some road worthy lights. Purchase some good quality lights, as the evenings are quite dark it is essential to be seen during your journey home if you are a bicycle commuter or if you need to go out during the evening. This is a legal requirement anyway and cyclists found without lights face a police fine.

Third, put on your coat and gloves and enjoy! Cycling in the winter can be great fun, for the obvious reason that you are still cramming in regular exercise during the festive season, but you can also witness the changes in the environment around you!

Enjoy winter and be sure to come and visit us to get your bike serviced for a great price down at the Cheltenham railway station.