Friday, 17 February 2017

Spring Cycling with The Bicycle Hub

With the days finally becoming longer, we know that some of you will be digging your bicycle out from the shed to start cycling to and from work or just get a little more active.

After quite a cold winter, it’s important to make sure your bicycle is in tip top condition before heading out on your cycling adventures. We’ve pulled together three top tips on how to get your bicycle ready for spring:

  1. Dust away those cobwebs: Giving your bicycle a good old clean after being hidden away in the shed during the winter months is a great place to start. Not only will it help make your bicycle look brand new and sparkly, it will also wash away any nasty dirt and grime that has got into chain and wheels.
  2. Give your bike a thorough check: Check your bike thoroughly to make sure no repairs are required and that everything is spick and span ready to go; especially the brakes and tyres. If you do need to replace parts, make sure you do so and if you’re not very confident at fitting them, pop down to our unit at Cheltenham Spa Station and we’d be more than happy to help.
  3. Find your layers: Spring weather can be completely unpredictable, therefore it is worth investing in a good base layer and a waterproof if you haven’t already. There’s nothing worse that windchill on chilly Spring mornings!

Are you preparing to start cycling following on from the winter months? Let us know by getting in touch with us on Twitter. Tweets us your pictures with the #SpringCycling and don’t forget to tag us @Bicycle_Hub!