Monday, 16 November 2015

Steve’s top 5 tips for buying adult bikes for Christmas

1. Don’t immediately go for the obvious bargains and cheap bikes. If you have a set budget and working within financial constrictions; spend the most you can on the best bicycle you can locate. Finding the bicycle that best suits your requirements is often worth spending a bit extra on.

2. Support independent specialists when possible. Scout out your local cycle shops and enquire about your requirements and what you’re after. It’s great that so many cycle centres and stores are owned by bike enthusiasts. They’re the best people to speak to, they will understand what bike will be best for you and will be more than happy to assist.

3. Consider the previous year’s model of bicycle and don’t disregard this possibility to save a bit of money. Obviously a new model will have additional capabilities and a better frame, perhaps. But check out the last model in the series and you may find you save a bit of money if you’re willing to miss out on the latest additions which are often cosmetic or minimal.

4. Not all about the bike itself; never forget to accompany your purchase with a decent lock and light. If you’re a frequent rider at night then the additional purchase of a high visible jacket is a necessity. We’d always recommend a helmet too. It’s not mandatory to wear one but getting all the right kit at the time of buying your new bike will set you up for appropriate use.

5. Finally, don’t buy a bike online. Never buy online unless you can guarantee pick up. Avoid home delivery as more often than not, your bike will turn up as it is – in a box. It won’t be correctly adjusted to suit your needs nor will it be checked properly before being packaged up for its long haul. It will then require you to go to your nearest cycling specialist for adjustment and a thorough check and inspection.