Friday, 26 June 2015

Summer Cycling

Don’t you just love summer? The sun is shining (sometimes), the days are longer and warmer and if we’re lucky the rain might have even stayed away giving us the perfect conditions for cycling!

Flowers in garden

Make the most of British summertime by getting the family together to go on a cycling adventure, improve your fitness by cycling uphill and making the most of the view at the top or take a slow cycle through the countryside stopping for lunch along the way.

There are lots of ways to enjoy cycling this summertime and The Bicycle Hub are here to help! If you need help with what bike best suits you, advice on the best routes or to get your own bike up to scratch, pop in and see us down the Cheltenham station or give us a call on 01242 231690 for more information.

Come on, get cycling this summer!