Wednesday, 15 April 2015

The Bicycle Hub to support the National Star!

We are very excited to announce that we are supporting the Star Cycling Challenge for National Star! It’s a fun and social event to get your feet pedalling and heart pumping, all for a great cause. There will be two routes to choose from so if you’re up for a challenge go for the 100km route, if not you can take it steady with the 50km.

In 2014, the Star Cycling Challenge raised £16,000 for National Star, and we hope they raise even more this year. Will you join us?

We will have our very own Cheltenham Bikes HQ on site and will be supporting the running of repairs during the event, so if you get into trouble along the way just stop by our hub or call for assistance! Also, we will be donating a proportion of the money earned through any bike hires, to the National Star for the event, as well as providing Eddie the Eagle with one of our bikes.

The event will be taking place on Sunday 26th April 2015 at the Ullenwood National Star car park, and the registration fee will cover: training plans, cycling numbers, refreshments, lunch (100km route only), a goody bag and even a medal!

We would love it if you could attend the event and support such a great cause with us. If you have any questions, please call 01242 524478 or you can read more about the event here.