Monday, 27 February 2017

Top Cycling Snacks

In a recent Twitter Poll conducted by Cycling Torque, it was revealed that a good ol' Banana is the best snack to stock up on before a cycling adventure.

Following on from this, we thought it would be a good idea to compile a list of the best snacks for you to take on a cycling trip that keep you energised and cycling for longer:

  1. Bananas: A banana is considered to be one of the best snacks to eat before or during cycling. They're full of carbohydrates and potassium that can help boost your energy levels.
  2. Peanut Butter: Peanut Butter is perfect cycling fuel offering protein and healthy fats.Instead of spreading it into a sandwich which will more than likely get crushed in your bag, try spreading it over a tortilla wrap for a tasty energy boost.
  3. Dried fruits & nuts: Dried fruits and nuts are a great source of carbohydrates and are easy to transport. Pop some of your favourite fruit & nut mix into a sandwich bag or a small tupperware to keep your body supplied with energy.
  4. Energy Bars: Energy bars are super convenient and are perfect energy topper uppers, however they can be expensive to buy.
  5. Bottled Water: Although it is not classed as a snack, a cycling adventure would not be enjoyable without a bottle of water to keep you hydrated. To spruce things up and for an added energy boost, try adding a drop of squash or making an iced green tea! Try to avoid the sugary energy drinks as you'll drink the calories you've burnt on the cycle ride.

There you have it, our top five cycling snacks. Do you have a favourite go-to snack before your cycle ride? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us using @Bicycle_Hub.