Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Top Five Spring Cycling Safety Tips

Time to crack the lock on the shed door, dust away the cobwebs and warm up those bike chains. Spring season is soon approaching and it is time to get back on your bike.

Before you race off, here are our top five tips that will ensure you stay safe on the road and have a smooth and steady journey wherever it is you may be going...

  1. Give your bike some TLC: Has your bike been sat in the shed for a while anxious to get out? It’s about time it had some tender loving care. Give it a check over to make sure everything is still screwed tightly, all in tact and ready for the road. Make sure the tread on those tyres aren’t too worn and pump them up  to the correct pressure so you’re prepared for whatever comes your way.  
  2. Light Up: Spring weather isn’t always the brightest and sunniest unfortunately, so make sure you are all lit up! Front and rear bike lights, rucksack lights and pedal lights, why not get them all?
  3. Ready, steady, GO!: People may see your bike by now but they might not see you. Accessorise yourself, put on your reflective gear, helmet, appropriate shoes, sunglasses and even gloves. Prepare yourself to make sure you are comfortable as well as making others on the road know your about!
  4. No time to break down: What is worse than breaking down? Plan your route before you go, find those designated cycle paths and check the weather! (Don’t forget your rain coat!). This will not only make sure you arrive on time but avoid any accidents or delays too.
  5. On your bike: You’re ready to go! Don’t forget your mobile phone, and pick a contact to mark as your ‘ICE’ (In Case of Emergency). Take any medication you may need, safety and breakdown equipment and you’re all prepared.

 Have a safe journey!!