Sunday, 1 October 2017

Top tips on how to stay safe this Autumn

So, now that we're coming into October and the colder weather is approaching, it is going to be getting darker earlier and more dangerous on the road. With visibility lower, and a higher risk of slippy conditions, it is important to be aware of the risks on the road.

When cycling, it is always important to be as visible as possible, however, in the colder months it is harder to be seen by cars and other cyclists due to the weather. So, we’ve put together some top tips for cycling in Autumn so that you can still enjoy your ride!

Be Seen

Although fog and mist can occur at any time of the year, it is more likely in the Autumn months. Fog is also more likely in the morning, when there is more traffic due to morning commuters, so if you’re someone who cycles to work you have to be even more conscious of the risks. Darker mornings and evenings also present a risk to cyclists, which is also likely to be in times of heavy traffic. Make sure you can be seen by checking your lights work on the front and back of your bike, and increase your visibility by wearing reflective strips on your clothing.

Be Warm and Dry

The change in season also brings colder and wetter weather, so you’re more likely to get a bit wet or chilly on your cycle rides. This may tempt you to throw on your winter coat or a woolly jumper, but they will only make you sweat and feel damp and uncomfortable. Instead, opt for thinner thermal layers to keep you warm without the sweat, and a wind-proof jacket instead of a sweat-inducing raincoat. It’s also important to keep hands and feet dry, so make sure to wear winter gloves and overshoes as well.

Be Aware

Being aware of the dangers of cycling is important when staying safe on the road, so make sure to avoid wet leaves and puddles that may cause you to have an accident. It is also a good idea to remind yourself of the highway code to refresh your memory and help you to stay aware of the risks you have to face when cycling.

Be Prepared

It is important that you are prepared for every journey in case anything happens. Ensure you carry a puncture kit with you on every ride, as punctures are more likely in wet weather and check your tire tread and chain oil before you leave.

Here at The Bicycle Hub,we offer bike servicing and repairs starting from £35 so you can be sure you are safe. It is also a good idea to get mud guards to keep you as mud-free as possible, and of course wear a helmet.

We hope that these tips will ensure you are ready for Autumn cycling, but remember, sometimes the best way to make sure you stay safe when cycling is to change route or even change plans and choose not to cycle in bad conditions.