Monday, 3 August 2015

Top tips to help you cycle easy

If you have only just started cycling, don’t worry we all had to start somewhere and it does become an easier more gentle sport as your fitness improves. To help the new or novice bicycle riders out there, we’ve compiled a short list to ensure you’re making the most of the cycling experience:

Explore a variety of trails

Once you’ve decided that you’re comfortable riding your bike, get out there and explore a new location or a suggested trail to help keep your new skills fresh and exciting. The variety of different areas and new terrain will help you get used to handling your bike and help you prepare for new adventures. You can also pick some low-traffic or potentially off-road trails to help reduce the stress of handling traffic.

Ensure you’re at the right height

By making sure that your saddle is adjusted to the right height to suit you will help immensely. It will ensure that your back is not slouched, mean you don’t have to put in any more effort than you need to, and overall ensure that you are comfortable when riding. To adjust your saddle to the correct height lean against a wall and hang both feet straight down; if your heel grazes the pedal your saddle is the right height.

Examine your bike

In one of our previous blogs we created a cycle checklist, however it is important for new cyclists to know that performing a quick check before each ride is essential. Check the wheels, chain, brakes and saddle for anything unusual before you embark on your journey and stop if something doesn’t feel right.

Swot up the Highway Code

Unless you are using a dedicated cycle path, you’ll most probably be cycling on the road, which means you are a road-user and subject to the highway code! Brush up your skills and know your do’s and don’ts to keep you and other road users safe.


Most importantly enjoy cycling; it is a great way to keep fit without vigorous exercise. Cycling is considered as a gentle exercise with benefits to mobility and general well-being including lowering stress levels.

So go on, get out there, explore, feel happy and keep fit by cycling.

Not got a bike yet, but want to get started? We have a range of second-hand, affordable, entry-level bikes for sale at our unit at Cheltenham Railway Station.