Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Triumphant bike refurb.

Here at The Bicycle Hub, we love refurbishing old and slightly un-loved bikes; bringing them back to life and getting them back on the road! So, when we received a phone-call about a restoration project earlier this year, we jumped at the opportunity!

The restoration project was requested by a gentleman who lived in Spain; he had an old Triumph Bicycle that was in need of some restoration. He wanted to surprise his daughter who lived in Cheltenham with the renovated Triumph Bicycle; how very lovely!

The bicycle was shipped direct from the gentleman, and here at The Bicycle Hub we got straight to work, ensuring we didn’t ruin the surprise! The gentleman in Spain, arranged for his daughter to meet with us at the station to unexpectedly reveal the newly renovated Triumph bike!

We are pleased to say that the lady was thrilled with her lovingly renovated bike!

Take a look below...

Bicycle Re-furb2015-02-06 10.59.12

During re-furb...2015-02-20 16.17.06-1


If you are interested in buying or hiring a bike or you are looking to get your bike serviced, please drop us a line to info@cheltenhambikes.co.uk or call us on 01242 250642