Friday, 24 April 2015

Watch out, bollards about!

Earlier this week, we saw something here at The Bicycle Hub that we thought we’d just have to share with fellow bicycle riders!

Being a cyclist isn’t always the easiest way to travel...the faff of finding the perfect helmet, making sure your bike is safe to use and sometimes having to wear tight Lycra shorts! Apologies for putting that image into your head; we digress it isn’t always easy being a cyclist especially if you don’t have any designated cycles lanes but even if you do, are you still at risk?

Behold; fellow cyclists, some of the absolute worst cycle lanes in Britain!

Shortest Bike Lane

Is there any point in this 4 metre cycle lane? (Courtesy: Nevermind the Bollards, The Mirror Online)


Surprise Slalom

This SURPRISE cycle slalom will really test your skills... (Courtesy: Never mind the Bollards, The Mirror Online)


Drunk Lane

Don't drink and ride... (Courtesy:Never mind the Bollards, The Mirror Online)



Ouch! (Courtesy: Never mind the Bollards, The Mirror Online)



Really? Come on.... (Courtesy: Never mind the Bollards, The Mirror Online)